Indonesian Digital Qur'an Waqf (WADI)

The Indonesian Digital Qur'an Waqf Program (WADI) is one of the Al-Qur'an Revolution Programs related to:

1. Learn fast Al-Qur'an independently, anytime and anywhere.

2. Interact with the Al-Qur'an independently, anytime and anywhere.

3. Spreading the Al-Qur'an to all regions of Indonesia in particular and the world in general, without being limited by distance and time.

4. Creating the Qur'anic Generation as the best generation and future leaders through the Al-Qur'an educational institutions that we have founded.

Rasulullah (pace be upon him) said:

خَيْرُكُمْ مَنْ تَعَلَّمَ اْلقُرْآنَ وَعَلَّمَهُ

 “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.”
 (Narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari)

Indonesian Digital Qur'an Waqf Facility (WADI) Program

The ingredients are the Digital Al-Qur’an which is packaged in an interesting application called : Mushaf Digital Al-Imam 7 in 1, specially designed version of Al-Imam Mobile for Next Generation

 Al-Imam Mobile for Next Generations is a Digital Qur’an application whose content is from the Al-Imam 7 in 1 Digital Mushaf, specially designed smartphone version for Future Muslim Generations from Millennials, Professionals, Teachers, Lecturers, Students, Mothers and other communities.

This application can be downloaded to your Android Smart Phone/Tablet easily in the Play Store.  God willing, iOS/Apple and Windows (PC and laptop) versions are being prepared.

What are the Special Features/Materials in Al-Imam 7 in 1 Digital Mushaf?

Main Features:

  1. Colored Medina/Otsmani Mushaf 30 juz
  2. Recitations of 30 Juz Sheikh Muhammad Ayyub, Rahimahullah, former Imam of the Prophet’s Mosque
  3. Learn to read the Koran from A to Z, only 7 steps
  4. Meaning per word per page
  5. Meaning per verse per page
  6. Tadabbur verse per page
  7. 30 video episodes about the majesty of the Qur’an

Bonus Features:

  • Can repeat verses for muroja’ah or memorization
  • Search for words/terms/verses of the Qur’an (Arabic and Indonesian) and can be shared on various media such as email, WhatsApp etc.
  • List of Surahs & Juz
  • Can enlarge / reduce letters
  • Get to know some of the Tajweed laws with Colored Tajwid

What are the advantages of the Indonesian Digital Qur'an Waqf (WADI) program?

Starting from listening to the correct recitation of the Qur’an, learning to read the Qur’an until fluent, understanding the meaning per verse, the meaning of each word, tadabbur verse per page, exploring the majesty of the Qur’an, repeating recitations for muroja’ah or memorizing verses, looking for verses/terms in the Qur’an and various other programs becomes easy and flexible.

Can reach all Inodonesian Muslim community in cities and villages. Beneficial for all walks of life, from individuals, households, neighbors, mosques, majlis ilm, and also educational institutions.  Suitable for all ages, from elementary school level children to the elderly.

Various Qur’anic knowledge such as how to learn to read the Koran, tajwid, tadabbur and so on are stored in one application container so that they are easily accessible.  Other knowledge/materials contained in the Qur’an will continue to increase in this application according to the development of materials/features that we prepare regularly.

  1. Rewards of Shodaqoh Jariyah / Digital Qur’an Waqf.
  2. The reward of seeking useful knowledge.
  3. The reward of spreading information about the Qur’an.
  4. The Rewards of Shodaqoh Jariyah for Al-Qur’an Education, because we will distribute the proceeds to Al-Qur’an Civilization Schools and Qu’anic Boarding Schools which we are currently building.

Rasulullah said:

إِذَا مَاتَ الإنْسَانُ انْقَطَعَ عنْه عَمَلُهُ إِلَّا مِن ثَلَاثَةٍ: إِلَّا مِن صَدَقَةٍ جَارِيَةٍ، أَوْ عِلْمٍ يُنْتَفَعُ بِهِ، أَوْ وَلَدٍ صَالِحٍ يَدْعُو له.

When a human dies, all his deeds are cut off except for three (which are still flowing).  Namely, Shodaqoh Jariyah, or useful knowledge, or pious children who pray for him. (Narrated by Imam Muslim)

Rasulullah said:

إنَّ اللهَ تعالى يَرفَعُ بهذا الكِتابِ أَقوامًا و يَضَعُ بِه آخَرينَ

Indeed, Allah Ta’ala elevates (degrees) people (who stick to the Qur’an) and humiliates other people (who stay away from the Qur’an).  (Al-Albani, Shohihul Jaami’)

How to contribute and participate in the Indonesian Digital Al-Qur'an Waqf (WADI) program?

1. Please download the Al-Imam 7 in 1 Digital Mushaf Android application on the Play Store for free below.

2. Distribute this information to relatives, friends, co-workers/businesses and the wider community.

3. Distribute your best Indonesian Al-Qur'an Digital Waqf (WADI) funds as follows:

Through Bank Accounts below
Yayasan Mukjizat Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah At-Taufiq:





Information & proof of transfer, please send to WhatsApp below:

Everyone who makes endowments for the Indonesian Digital Al-Qur’an Waqf (WADI) program
will get a WADI Community membership card

Al-Imam Mobile For Next Generations

Download Now for Free!

Al-Imam's Digital Mushaf Comes in 3 Versions

Al-Imam Pro For Muslim Family

Rp 3.250.000

Rp 2.750.000

Al-Imam Lite For Muslim Family

Rp 1.750.000

Rp 1.500.000

Al-Imam Mobile For Next Generations

Rp 100.000

Free! Digital Mushaf Waqf Program

Yayasan Mukjizat Al-Qur'an
dan Sunnah At-Taufiq

Notarial Deed Rahayu Minarti SH, No 10, 30 April 2010 | Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights RI No. AHU.4053.AH.01.04, 201O | 
NPWP :02.850.023.9-221.000

Infaq/Shodaqoh Jariyah/Education Waqf, Al-Qur’an Digital Indonesia Waqf (WADI), Media and so on can be channeled through the Bank Account below on behalf of Yayasan Mukjizat Al-Qur’an and Sunnah At-Taufiq

Bank Central Asia


Bank Syariah Indonesia 


Bank Mandiri


Bank Riau Kepri Syariah


For further information or confirmation of fund transfer via the following WhatsApp number: